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Principles of Intrcession

Created: Friday, 13 November 2015 15:33
Hits: 1360

It is God's will that the body of Christ experiences great and powerful victories in prayer. These victories are not only attainable but are absolutely necessary for the advancement of God's kingdom. Too often, however, we give up and fall far short of God's purposes because we lack understanding as to the nature of the battle or the methods by which God's works. Or perhaps at times, our understanding of what God wants to do through us is limited. Without knowing or understanding the mind of the Lord, we fail to press through. Therefore, it is important that we be quick to obey the prompting of the Lord.

Intercessors need to be disciplined in their commitment to prayer and faith, determined to see their mission fulfilled. True intercessors so identify with the problem for which they pray they are willing to offer themselves as the means through which God brings release. A scriptural example can be seen in the words and actions of Judah when he guaranteed his brother Benjamin's safe return to his father by stating, “I will be surety for him”. (Gen. 43:9) This offer was not lip service. Rather, he was prepared to fulfill his word, regardless of personal cost. When it seemed as if Benjamin would be taken as hostage by Joseph, Judah immediately came forward offering to become Joseph's servant in exchange for the release of Benjamin. Here we see the place of intercession. Joseph by his response to his brothers demonstrated the reward of intercession.

The Place of Intercession

1. An intercessor stands as a substitute for someone else.

Just as Judah pleaded on behalf of his brother Benjamin, so too will a true intercessor go before His Father's throne on behalf of those for whom he pleads for spiritual release.

2. An intercessor will offer himself as a sacrifice for someone else. Judah offered himself in exchange of his brother Benjamin without regard to personal hardship or cost. Likewise, a true intercessor will sacrifice many worldly comforts in order to see God bring salvation to those for whom he intercedes.

3. An intercessor continues in the place of intercession until he receives a response and assurance .

Judah stood unrelenting before Joseph on behalf of Benjamin until he received the answer to his petition. So too, a true intercessor will continue in the place of supplication until there is a response and an assurance from the Holy Spirit that their prayer was heard and is being answered.

The Reward of Intercession

1. Intercession reveals the King's kinship .

Until Judah stepped forward he did not know the identity of the ruler to whom he made petition. His intercession brought a tremendous revelation. He was pleading with his own brother. With intercession, there is a great revelation of our heavenly King's kinship. The intercessor begins to learn and understand the mystical union of Christ and His Church.

2. Intercession reveals the King's kindness .

Judah made a passionate plea to the ruler of Egypt for his brother Benjamin, but he had no idea of the passion that this same ruler also had for Benjamin. With great emotion Joseph wept on his brother Benjamin's neck. Likewise, the intercessor may feel his heart consumed with passion over the plight of those for whom he petitions the Father until God begins to reveal His own heart, which is filled with an even greater love and passion for the lost.

3. Intercession reveals the King's greater surety.

As Judah listened to Joseph's response to his request, he discovered that Joseph was even a greater surety for the safety of Benjamin and the entire family. By the providence of God, Joseph was sent to Egypt in order that his brothers might be spared. As the intercessor gives himself completely to the work of intercession, he comes to know in greater measure the infinite sacrifice of the One who gave Himself for the world.

Excerpts taken from The Cry God Answers, Restoration Through Intercession, by Rosemarie Brown

About the Author

Rev. Rosemarie Brown is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. She has served the body of Christ for over 30 years as a Bible teacher, evangelist, conference and seminar speaker. She has become distinguished as an anointed Bible teacher with keen insight into biblical principles, bringing to her audiences a message of hope and restoration. Rosemarie Brown is the Assistant Pastor at Van Nest Assembly of God in the Bronx. Van Nest Assembly is a thriving multi-cultural church, whose Senior Pastor is Rev. David H. Hernquist. Due to the growing number of worshippers, Van Nest Assembly has five services on Sunday, three of which are consecutive morning Services. Rosemarie is the Director and an Instructor at the Berean Bible Institute, Bronx Campus, which is hosted by Van Nest Assembly. Rosemarie received her Bible training at Northeast Bible College (now Valley Forge Christian College). She has a bachelor’s degree in education from Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, New York and a master’s degree from Lehman College in New York City. Rev. Rosemarie Brown is the author of the book, The Cry God Answers that deals with the subject of restoration through intercession

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