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For the past 45 years, Dr. David Bryant has been a beacon of hope, spreading Christ's message to churches across the globe. He comes from a background of being a pastor and minister-at-large with the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He also served as Concerts of Prayer International (COPI) president and America's National Prayer Committee chairman. Currently, he is leading Proclaim Hope!, a movement that aims to promote and serve a nationwide awakening of Christ.
Dr. Bryant has been prominent in the global prayer movement for many years. He has organized large-scale prayer gatherings in cities, led conferences at both national and international levels, and created various training materials such as videos, seminars, and manuals. David has also mentored younger leaders and shared his message through different media outlets, including radio, television, and podcasts. Today, David and his team are leading "The Nationwide Campaign for an American CHRIST Awakening," with the website ChristNow.Com serving as their primary platform. This unique website offers free resources from different streams of the Church, fostering Christ Awakening movements. It provides teaching and worship videos, personal testimonies of spiritual awakenings, regular blog posts, and audio devotions to help Christians focus on our Lord's reigning majesty. Moreover, a free nine-week daily email and video series guides Christians to spend a few minutes developing a larger vision of Christ each day.
Since 2010, Dr. Bryant has advocated for a nationwide Christ Awakening movement, defined as "The whole Church becoming wholly alive to the whole vision of the whole Christ." He founded The Christ Institutes (TCI) to strengthen this movement, providing an in-depth learning experience. TCI's teachings aim to help Christians gain a more significant understanding of who Jesus Christ is now, what He is doing, where He is headed, and how believers can transform their lives by living in the fullness of His supremacy. The Christ Institutes Video Series (TCIVS) is offered online on ChristNow.Com for free as a nine-session course.
Dr. Bryant is a published author and has penned six key books centered around prayer and spiritual revival that can be found on These books include Christ Is NOW!, Christ Is ALL! (revised), In the Gap, With Concerts of Prayer, The Hope at Hand, and Messengers of Hope. His latest book, Christ Is NOW!, helps readers explore and experience the supremacy of Christ in new ways.
Dr. Bryant and his wife, Robyne, were high school sweethearts from Massillon, Ohio. They currently reside in metropolitan New York City, and their three grown children, Adam, Bethany, and Benjamin, were adopted as infants from India.
This article was Adopted from the article "Who is David Bryant," published on