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Daily Devotion

Under Scrutiny of Hostile Men

Created: Thursday, 26 April 2018 14:30
Hits: 804
LUKE 14:1-6
In the gospel story, there are seven incidents in which Jesus healed on the Sabbath day. Anyone would think that a record like that would have made a man loved by all; but it is a tragic fact that every miracle of healing Jesus did on the Sabbath day only made the scribes and Pharisees more certain that He was dangerous, irreligious and must at all costs be stopped. If we are to understand what happened to Jesus, it is important to remember that the orthodox Jews of His day regarded Him as a lawbreaker. He healed on the Sabbath; therefore, He worked on the Sabbath; therefore, He broke the law.
On this occasion, a Pharisee invited him to a meal on the Sabbath. Of course, no food could be cooked on the Sabbath; that would have been considered to be work. All food had to be cooked on Friday; if it was necessary to keep it hot it may be put into cloths, amidst fruits and pigeons' feathers. It was the observance of regulations like this that the Pharisees regarded as religion. No wonder they could not understand Jesus!
It is by no means impossible that the Pharisees "planted" the man with dropsy in this house to see what Jesus would do. Jesus was under scrutiny. But without hesitation, Jesus healed the man. He knew perfectly well what they were thinking, and he quoted their own law and practice to them.
This passage tells us certain things about Jesus and His enemies.  
(1st) it shows us the serenity with which Jesus met life. Jesus remained serene. If we live with Him, He can make us like Himself. 
(2nd) Jesus never refused any man's invitation of hospitality. He would not refuse even the enemy's invitation. We will never make our enemies our friends if we refuse to meet them and talk with them.
(3rd) the most amazing thing about the scribes and Pharisees is their staggering lack of a sense of proportion. They would go to endless trouble to formulate and to obey their petty rules and regulations and yet call it a sin to heal a sufferer of pain on the Sabbath day.
Only if we put first things first will all things take their proper place-and love comes first.
Life Application: Do you ever try to get along with people who don't like you?   Jesus is showing us that we are to make the effort to get along with people like that.
Praise/Prayer:Dear Father, I am so thankful for the Bible because in it Jesus is showing us how to act as children of God. Please help me to live up to Your desire for the rest of my life. I want to please You with the way I live every day. I know that one day I will stand before You, so I want to live in a way to please you. Amen!

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