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Daily Devotion

The Risk of the Empty Soul

Created: Monday, 26 March 2018 20:58
Hits: 782
LUKE 11:24-28 ---
Here we have a terrible story. There was a man from whom an unclean spirit was expelled. It wandered seeking rest and found none. It determined to return to the man. It found his soul swept clean but empty. So, the spirit collected seven spirits worse than itself, then came back, and entered the man, making his last state worse than his first.
(1) Here is the fundamental truth that you cannot leave a person's soul empty. It is not enough to cast out the evil thoughts, and habits of the old ways, and leave the soul empty. An empty soul is a soul in trouble. In Ephesians 5:18, the Apostle Paul wrote, "...don't get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit. A person's mind must be filled with something. It is not enough to drive out evil; good must come in.
(2) This means that we can never erect a real religion on negatives.   Take Sunday for instance: Church is not a priority for many. People do what they want to do. That doesn't mean get a catalog of what not to do. Unless we tell him, his last state is worse than his first, because we have condemned him to idleness, and the devil is adept at finding mischief for idle hands to do. Cleansing is necessary; but after rooting out of evil, there must come the filling with good.
(3) The best way to avoid evil is to do good. In no garden is it enough to uproot weeds; flowers must be sown and planted until space is filled. Nowhere is this truer than in the world of thoughts. We never become good by not doing certain things; we become good by filling life with lovely things.
Verse 27 & 28 show Jesus speaking sternly, but truly. The woman who spoke was carried away by a moment of emotion. Jesus pulled her back to reality. The moment of emotion is a fine thing, but the greatest thing is a life of obedience in the routine things of every day.
Life Application: What do you do to avoid evil? If it is put into your brain you will live it out. "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." Keep your mind focused on the written word of God.
Praise/Prayer: Dear Father, I am so thankful for the Bible. I begin my day reading it because that activates faith to believe and except answers to my prayers. I love speaking scripture to encourage people because that is the source of life. Amen!

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