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Daily Devotion

The Only Sure Foundation

Created: Thursday, 08 February 2018 09:39
Hits: 833
Scripture of the DayLuke 6:47-49
To get the real picture behind this parable, we must read Matthew's text (Matthew 7:24-27). Luke was not a native of Israel, but Matthew was, and he knew just what the picture was. In summer, some of the rivers dried up and left a sandy bed. However, in the winter, after the fall rains had come, the empty river beds became a raging torrent. That is why the wise man searched for rock; it was much more difficult to build on, but when the winter weather came, his extra work was amply repaid, for his house stood strong and secure. In either form, the parable teaches the importance of laying the right foundation for life; the only true foundation is obedience to the teaching of Jesus.
What made the foolish builder choose so unwisely? (1stHe wanted to avoid toil.   He didn't want to dig in the rock. The sand was much more attractive, and much less trouble. It may be easier to take our own way than it is to take the Jesus way, but the end is ruin. Jesus' way is the way to secure both now, and forever. (2ndHe was short-sighted. In every decision in life, there is a short view and a long view. Happy is the person who sees things, not in the light of the moment, but in the light of eternity. Lean upon the teachings of Jesus, and no storms will ever shake them.
Life Application: Look back, and you'll see the mistakes you made, but look forward with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You won't be making mistakes if you allow him to guide you along the safe path.
Praise/Prayer: "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!" Dear Father, thank You for caring about all Your children wherever they are. How exciting to see how You care for Your children. You know their needs, and You are concerned. You speak to someone in the world to help others; they respond, and needs are met.   What a wonderful, loving Father. Amen!

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