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Daily Devotion

The New Idea

Created: Tuesday, 30 January 2018 08:53
Hits: 633
Luke 5:36-39 --
There is in religious people a kind of passion for the old. Nothing moves more slowly than a church. The trouble with the Pharisees was that the whole religious outlook of Jesus was so startlingly new that they simply could not adjust to it.  The mind soon loses the quality of elasticity, and will not accept new ideas. Jesus used two illustrations. "You cannot put a new patch on an old garment," He said, "The strong new cloth will only rip the tear in the old cloth wider." Bottles in Israel were made from skin. When new wine was put into them, it fermented and gave off gas. If the whole bottle was new, there was a certain elasticity in the skin, and it gave with the pressure; if it was old, the skin was dry, hard, and it would burst. "Don't," says Jesus, "let your mind become like an old wineskin."
The whole passage is Jesus' condemnation of the closed mind and a plea that new ideas should not be rejected. (1) We should never be afraid of adventurous thought. The Holy Spirit is ever leading us into new thinking - new thoughts, and new ways of doing things. Where would medicine be today if there had not been thinkers? What about space travel? Let us be careful about resenting new ideas, because it may be that our minds are growing old, and let us never resist the adventure of new thinking. (2) We should never be afraid of new ways or methods. That a thing has always been done the same way may well be the reason for stopping doing it that way. That a thing has never be done may very well be the best reason for trying it. No business could exist on outworn methods---and, yet the church tries to. There is a wise, and unwise conservatism. As Christians, we ought to be brave adventurers.
Life Application: What new thoughts or ways have you had for yourself or have suggested to your pastor, and other spiritual leaders? There are always new ways to defeat the devil.
Praise/Prayer: Dear Father, as I read the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis, and realize that You had the creative mind, I must believe that You still have new ways of evangelizing. Holy Spirit, please show me new, and different ways to reach people who are lost. The news is full of crime, so I see the way the devil is at work. God please wakeup Your children with new ideas to reach our lost world. I believe You are coming for the Church Victorious. Amen!

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