Prayer Center Activities

15th Annual Pastors and Leaders Prayer Symposium Prayer Agenda

Created: Monday, 20 May 2024 09:18
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May 11, 2024, 15th Pastors and Leaders Prayer Symposium

"Serving in truth, justice, and integrity. How do we proclaim and model these spiritual values in our ministries?"

Isiah 59: 1 – 21

Corporate Prayer Session

Prayer Agenda

Prayer One

(Isaiah 59: 1) A prayer of repentance for those alive in Christ who are not living righteously or seeking to act righteously in our homes, congregations, communities, cities, and nations worldwide.

Prayer Two

Isaiah 59: 2,3: Let us pray for sincere repentance among the people of God, acknowledging our inaction in the face of injustices that have led to the oppression of the poor, weak, and disadvantaged in most nations today. Pray for our repentance to lead us to take active steps towards alleviating this suffering. 

Prayer Three

Isaiah 59: 4: Pray for repentance for the redeemed community’s failure to act with truth, justice, and integrity toward each other, which has created barriers between us and the Lord.

Prayer Four

 Isiah 59: 5 – 7: Let us pray for those individuals whose evil thoughts and actions are responsible for spreading various negative influences that are affecting the culture of our nations. Pray for the various leaders who are working in different sectors of leadership that control the governmental, judicial, educational, and economic aspects of our nations.

Prayer five

Isaiah 59: 8- 13: Please pray for those individuals who may have strayed from the Church due to their sinful actions, which could be the result of selfishness or a lack of care for others. Such actions can have a significant negative impact on the spiritual well-being of the Church.

Prayer Six

 (59:14,15), Pray for the Lord to inspire his people to act with truth, justice, and integrity in the midst of the widespread injustice and unrighteousness prevalent in nations today. Particularly, pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith in countries where the Christian faith is suppressed.

Prayer Seven

Isiah 59: 15.16) Let us pray for a powerful revival from the Lord that will heal and transform nations, just as He has done throughout history. 

Prayer Eight

Isiah (59:16, 17): Pray for the people of God living in this decadent age to encounter enormous victory over evil through putting on the whole “armor” (the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, the Gospel of peace, and the sword of the spirit) to spread righteousness of Christ and His salvation to those who are lost.

Prayer Nine

Isaiah 59: 18, 19.  Pray for the Lord to come in power among His to defeat evil by uplifting the standards of truth and justice based on Jesus' love, His redemptive power, and His Words. Pray for pastors of all denominations to commit to living according to Biblical standards and to remain faithful to the call to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a decadent culture, regardless of what it will cost them.   

Prayer Ten

Isiah (59: 20,21): Pray for a new outpouring of His Spirit upon His people to exalt Christ as Redeemer and Lord in His Church and to empower each of us to live lives that fully reflect truth, justice, and integrity reflected in the alignment of our speech with our action.  

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