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Monthly Prayer Agenda

October 2019 Global Prayer Agenda

Created: Sunday, 22 December 2019 23:13
Hits: 7446

Welcome to the October 2019 Global Prayer Agenda featuring major concerns affecting the nations of our world, and the growth of Christ's church universally for the advancement of world evangelism and the establishment of God's Kingdom.  This agenda was specially prepared for use during the Monthly Global Prayer Teleconference sessions by a few members of the team of leaders facilitating these monthly global prayer calls.  The agenda is structured into three main categories for the convenience of our users.  As you join us in prayer about these various issues, during this month, we trust that you will find the experience spiritually rewarding.  We also extend a special invitation to join us for our next Monthly Global Prayer Teleconference.   

Category One

Prayer for the United States, Canada,  South America, the Caribbean, and Europe

Scripture: Hebrews 10:35 – 36 (NIV)

 “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

Prayer for the United States

Some Important Facts on the State of the church and spiritual needs of the nation

  • Based on the current rates of retention and evangelism, it's estimated that 42 million young people could leave the church by 2050. That is over one million young people walking away from the church each year. If, however, we can revert to Gen X rates of retention and evangelism, that number can be reduced to only 20 million.
  • It is also estimated that 176,000 churches could close by 2050 in the US if the trend continues.
  • Every year, about 4,000 churches are planted in the US and every year about 3,700 churches close.  Based on population growth rate we need to triple church planting in the next five years.  By 2050 it is estimated that the US will need to plant 416, 000 new churches. (Source: www.thegreatopportunit,org)
  • At any given time, 75% of pastors in America want to quit. (Church Resource Ministries – 1998)
  • More than 2000 pastors are leaving the ministry each month. (Marble Retreat Center 2001)  (Source: www.Standaloneministry.org)
  • Francis Chan warns Satan is 'getting the victory' amid lack of unity in US churches
  • Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US; 47,173 Americans committed suicide in 2017, but there were an estimated 1,4000,000 suicide attempts in the year. In 2015 suicide and self-inflicted injuries cost the Federal Government $69 billion. But the sad news is that the suicide rate is trending upwards, an indication of the high level of hopelessness permeating every sector of American culture.
  • More than 61 million abortions have been performed in the United States since 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision made the procedure legal. For the same period, the number of abortions committed worldwide is estimated at 16 million. Fewer U.S. women are having abortions than at any time since Roe v. Wade, according to new government figures. In 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, a total of 638,169 abortions were reported, a decrease of 2 percent from 652,639 abortions in 2014.  New York Governor signed into law a recent bill expanding abortions rights, legalizing later terms abortions.`

These facts underscore the dire need for spiritual revival in the church in America.


  1. For all pastors across America facing all types of moral failure that continue to undermine the credible witness of the church as salt and light of this nation, to turn to the Lord in prayer and repentance to help to facilitate revival in the church for the spiritual healing and transformation of the nation so urgently needed at this time.  
  2. A spiritual revival in the church across America is what is needed today to bring about the healing and social transformation of the nation through the additions of millions of new converts.  As we pray today for revival in the Church across America, let us pray especially to the Father to pour out upon the Christian community across America at this time a spirit of prayer marked by a deep hunger and reverence for Him, repentance towards Him, love for one another and unity to heal the growing divisions within its midst.
  3. Jesus says, “I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”  Pray against the culture of death pervading America, reflected in the high suicide and abortion rates being reported in the nation annually.

Prayer for the United States Government

1 Timothy 2: 1 – 6

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior, four who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, six who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time” (NIV).


  1. For President Donald Trump and his family; all members of his Cabinet and White House staff, for their safety, protection, and wisdom to govern the country justly and in the fear of God.
  2. For the love, peace, and unity of God to permeate all areas of our deeply divided US Government to facilitate healing and reconciliation in all sectors of American life.
  3. For a divine solution to the migrant crisis at the US southern border.


Prayer for Children and Youth across America

What will it take to Disciple the Next Generation?

Barna Group - Research & Releases in Millennials & Generations Aug 27, 2019 (excerpted/paraphrased)

Spiritual Maturity Ranks Low on List of Priorities for Gen Z & Millennials.

50 to 66% feel that finishing their education, becoming financially independent, starting a career and self-discovery are their highest priorities. Only 16-29% indicate being concerned with maturing spiritually.

Barna’s research shows that a person’s worldview is usually developed by the age of 13. Combining that statistic with the fact that most people come to Christ between the ages of 4 to 14, Barna’s six questions posed to  8th-graders (in a spiritual context) can help them not only navigate the social contexts in which they engage but to also see themselves as God does.

Barna’s questions:

Who am I?

How does the media influence me?

What is my identity?

Where did I come from?

Where does my creativity come from?

How should I view others?

The article also cites other authors about sharing faith through listening, processing doubt and the importance of allowing young believers to participate in ministry.


  1. Father, we thank you that Jesus never worried about “statistics.” He wasn’t influenced by what his “world” (at the time or even now) thought about Him. He knew who He was and trusted You. We pray the same thing for our children, grandchildren, young adults and the generations to come. That they would apprehend faith for themselves, know You, Your character, Your love and plans for them.
  2. Help us to equip them to stand in faith and navigate the world in which they live.
  3. Open the eyes of parents, teachers and all in spiritual leadership to listen to them, contend for faith with them and partner with them in the Great Commission. AMEN


Prayer For Canada

Pastor Arrested for Preaching Against Homosexuality

Charisma Magazine,  David Hoffman

“Pastor David Lynn of Christ Forgiveness Ministries was arrested on June 4, 2019, for preaching the gospel publicly in Toronto, Canada. The neighborhood he was preaching in was Church-Wellesley Village. This neighborhood is known to be a place where many of the LGBTQ community in Toronto reside. His ministry is currently on an outdoor preaching tour throughout the 22 districts of Toronto. June 4, happened to be the day they scheduled for that district.”

“It is not uncommon for someone to think "open-air preaching" and "LGBTQ neighborhood" and immediately jump to thoughts of preachers condemning homosexuals to hell. However, Pastor Lynn's preaching was some of the most loving and gracious preaching I have ever seen and heard, which is why it is outrageous that he was arrested.”

“Here in North America, we are in a serious battle for rights that we have taken for granted. There are groups, organizations and individuals that want to make certain types of free speech illegal. Pastor Lynn's arrest is nothing short of a violation of his right to free speech. He was not inciting anyone to violence, and neither was he being defamatory. He was preaching the gospel. He was preaching that Jesus Christ loves each person and died specifically for them. In spite of this, he received harsh protest which ended in his arrest. This should greatly concern any Christian.”

“Pastor David Lynn was arrested for a message of love, healing, and hope. As Christians, we need to take this as a wake-up call. Our rights and liberties are on the brink of being removed in the coming years. Now is the time to have a voice. We cannot afford to remain silent”.

“The growing trend in North America is that if anyone shares publicly on a topic that is deemed controversial, or that a particular group deems hateful, they must be silenced. What will happen the day that the simple gospel is considered hate speech? That is where things are headed if we as Christians do not take a stand today. We have already seen certain people and topics being censored by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. We cannot be idle. We must stand for liberty. The future of our right to free speech begins today. If we wait to deal with it, it will likely have already been taken away.”

 (Source: https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/76681-pastor-arrested-for-preaching-against-homosexuality?fbclid=IwAR2xoM7Uyt2OWMrvPUQiNqxr234CTjAcoM0OceVj3C_I_6tgpaUF4Zcw40g)

Pray for

  1. Prayer for the Christian community across Canada to take a bold stand and to resist all attempts by the Canadian government to outlaw the Scriptures as the basis of moral values for Christian families, Christian families, schools and colleges across Canada.
  2. Freedom of Pastor Lynn and his vindication in the courts, other pastors, congregations and Christian organizations in Canada that are facing increasing hostility as a result of their opposition to homosexuality, gay marriage, and the LGBTQ gender ideology.
  3. For revival in the church across Canada resulting in large-scale salvation of the loss and social transformation of the nation.


Prayer for South America and the Caribbean

PRAYER ALERT: Cuban Evangelicals Face Clash over Family Code

After mounting a successful resistance to a gay marriage provision in Cuba’s new constitution, evangelicals are gearing up for a battle over the Family Code. The National Assembly will soon begin holding popular consultations over what constitutes a marriage. Cuban evangelicals are still reeling after government officials stopped four of their leaders from boarding planes to the US last month. They were going to participate in the historic Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.

Such a drastic government move does not bode well for evangelicals over this next struggle over family issues. Furthermore, Cuban leader Raul Castro’s own daughter Mariel has long led the LGBT contingent. Are the Castros trying to restrict the powerful support that US backers give to the pro-family cause?

They may fear the strength that evangelicals have gained since the early 1990s, when Cuba allowed more religious tolerance. We must pray that Cuba will not turn back toward persecuting Christians but instead receive the blessings of religious freedom.


Pray for God to grant us these requests

  1. That God will guide the consultation process for the Family Code. That He will turn the hearts of the fathers and mothers toward their children, and away from LGBT marriages and adoptions.
  2. That the gospel will spread unhindered in Cuba. That it will bring such a blessing in changed lives that evangelicals will gain more favor and freedom.
  3. That God will turn Cuba away from its authoritarian past. That freedom of choice will increase, and with that more will hear the gospel and choose Jesus.


Revival across Europe

  1. Church attacks increase in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany

AUTHOR Virpi Kurvinen 27 SEPTEMBER 2019 [excerpts]


Church buildings in Europe are being vandalized, and European Christians face a growth in hateful deeds and vandalism. Attempts of arson, destroying crucifixes or elements of communion, threatening graffiti and robberies are common. The Finish newspaper Uusi Tie investigated the motives that drive people to these actions.

NORTHERN IRELAND Throughout the summer in Europe, a number of attacks on graveyards, church buildings and other church properties have been reported.

CHURCH DOORS ON FIRE, CHILDREN’S CLUB INSIDE The British newspaper The Guardian, reported in June about the attacks on churches in the UK. For example, in east London, Stratford, the doors of four churches had been set on fire. Carved onto the walls of these churches were satanic symbols such as pentagrams, 666, or the word “Hell”. One of the churches that was set on fire had a children’s club taking place during the incident.

“ANNIHILATE CHRISTIANITY FROM THE FACE OF EARTH” The Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination of Christians in Europe (OIDAC) collects data about the crimes committed against Christians and Christian churches and properties of churches in Europe. In France, the growth rate of attacks on churches has been alarming for some years and it has been proven that the roots of these crimes come from Muslims. According to the statistics of OICAD, in Spain, the attacks on Catholic buildings grew by 20% during 2017-2018. Only one attack had been carried on an evangelical church, where vandals wrote: “Annihilate Christian people from the face of the earth”.

“Many of the Muslims that have come to Europe during the last years, have given up Islam and have turned to Christianity. Islamic society sees this as an unpardonable sin. Hatred and a desire to take revenge might be channeled towards those people that the Muslims think have converted their friends or relatives”, says Lehtonen [Secretary of Human Rights Committee of Pentecostal World Fellowship in Calgary].

“If we isolate ourselves from the Muslims, their distorted picture of us might get even more distorted. Therefore, we desperately need more mission work among the Muslims in Europe”, Lehtonen concludes.


  1. That the Lord will stir and empower anew Christians throughout Europe, and enable them to spread the Gospel of God’s grace and to live lives that are consistent with its message;
  2. That Muslims, in particular, will come to see that Jesus Christ is the true and only Prince of Peace and that He is the perfect revelation of God’s love for mankind;
  3. That God will annihilate Satanic and anti-Christian movements and ideologies in Europe that have set themselves against the Name of Jesus Christ and what He stands for.
  1. Finnish Christian MP under incitement investigation for quoting the New Testament [excerpt]

AUTHOR: Samuli Siikavirta | Evangelical Focus | HELSINKI 02 SEPT 2019

Finnish Christian Democratic MP, former Minister of the Interior Päivi Räsänen is being subjected to pretrial investigation by the Finnish Police on account of suspected incitement against sexual and gender minorities.The matter concerns a critical comment she made on the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland’s (ELCF) official participation in the Helsinki Pride event earlier in the summer.

On 17 June, Päivi Räsänen posted a photo of Romans 1:24–27 from the New Testament, that describes same-sex relationships as “shameful”. In the attached post, she criticized Finland’s largest church body’s announcement to become an official partner of Helsinki Pride 2019, asking, “How can the church’s doctrinal foundation, the Bible, be compatible with the lifting up of shame and sin as a subject of pride?”

Officially, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland’s Church Order, ratified by the Finnish Parliament, states that it “confesses that Christian faith which is based on the Holy Word of God, the prophetic and apostolic books of the Old and the New Testament” and the Lutheran confessional writings of the 16th century. On 13 August, Räsänen tweeted, “I am not concerned on my part ... However, I am concerned if quoting the Bible is considered even ‘slightly’ illegal. I hope this won't lead to self-censorship among Christians. Rom. 1:24–27”.


  1. That God will encourage and strengthen the Christian Member of Parliament in Finland and deliver her out of the hands of her persecutors;
  2. That there will be a halt and reversal of the shift taking place in the Church, from traditional biblical values to a much broader and liberal morality;
  3. That the independent, Bible-believing lay leaders within the national church, will get the freedom to function and lead in crucial aspects of spiritual life in the Church and the nation.


Category 2

 Israel, the Middle East, and Africa

Scripture: Ps. 10:12-18 NIV and Introduction


The prospect of Israel being forced to a third round of elections within 12 months is growing increasingly realistic, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu inclined to announce as soon as next week that he cannot form a majority, and the rival Blue and White party aware that it is unlikely to break apart Netanyahu’s Likud party, Israeli TV reports said Friday night.

Both of Israel’s main TV stations reported that Netanyahu, who was charged by President Reuven Rivlin on Wednesday night with the task of trying to muster a Knesset majority and has 28 days to try, with the possibility of 14 more days if needed, is set to announce as soon as next week that he cannot do so, and will blame rival candidate Benny Gantz’s Blue and White for the failure. Both Channels 12 and 13 said Netanyahu is set to “return the mandate” immediately after the Rosh Hashanah Jewish new year festival, which runs from Sunday evening to Tuesday night.

The TV reports said some of Gantz’s advisers were urging him to accept Rivlin’s proposal and agree on a unity government with Netanyahu, but that his No. 2, Yair Lapid, was adamant that he should not. Lapid, and a second Blue and White leader, Gabi Ashkenazi, were adamant that Gantz would be “falling into a trap,” Channel 12 news reported, and that, whatever was agreed, Netanyahu would find a way to avoid relinquishing the prime ministership. (TOI staff, 27 September 2019).



  1. Pray that God’s will would be done in the election of the next Israeli Prime Minister.
  2. Pray for the protection, peace, and prosperity of Israel.
  3. Pray for the growth of the Church and for the increased effectiveness of ministries like Operation Exodus.


The U.N. nuclear monitoring agency says Iran has begun using advanced centrifuges to enrich uranium, a violation of a landmark agreement with world powers. An International Atomic Energy Agency report, obtained by the French news agency and Reuters, said technologically advanced centrifuges at Iran's Natanz facility "were accumulating or had been prepared to accumulate enriched uranium." The report also says Iran intends to use more of the advanced centrifuges than previously disclosed.

The developments breach a landmark deal world powers reached in 2015 that places limitations on Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. The accord only allows Iran to stockpile enriched uranium in its first-generation centrifuges. (VOA News, September 26, 2019)


Reports have indicated that Mustafa Rahimi, a bookseller from the Kurdish town of Bukan, was sentenced by the Bukan Public Revolutionary Court to months in prison on charges of selling the Bible. Rahimi ran a bookstore in the National Bank alley in Bukan, which lies in Iran’s West Azerbaijan Province near the border with Iraq, the Iranian Christian news agency Mohabat News reports

Rahimi was arrested and jailed by intelligence officers in mid-June and ordered to pay a hefty fine. He was temporarily freed after paying bail. The Kurdish human rights group Hengaw Organization for Human Rights reported that Rahimi was re-arrested in mid-August and sentenced to three months and one day in prison on Aug. However, sources close to Rahimi’s family told Mohabat News that he was sentenced to six months and one day in prison by the revolutionary court. (Samuel Smith, CP Reporter, September 17, 2019).



  1. Pray that International leaders and governments would take strong action against Iran for violating the Nuclear deal.
  2. Pray for the strengthening of the faith of Mustafa Rahimi. Also pray for his early release from prison.
  3. Pray for the continued growth of the Church in Iran.



YAOUNDE - Next week, Cameroon's government will host what it calls a national dialogue on the separatist crisis in its Northwest and Southwest regions.  However, U.S.- and Europe-based separatist leaders invited to the talks say they will not take part in any dialogue unless it is held outside Cameroon with non-Cameroonians as mediators.  The government has stated it will not accept a foreign mediator.

The week-long dialogue on the separatist crisis is due to begin Monday in Yaounde.  The government says it has invited more than 1,000 people, including lawmakers, clergy, teachers, and civil society activists. However, none of the U.S.- and Europe-based separatist leaders contacted by VOA said they will attend the talks.

Among those turning down the invitation is Eric Tataw, who lives in the United States. He says he will not attend because he and fellow separatists based in the diaspora are wanted in Cameroon on charges of secession and terrorism. (Moki Edwin Kindzeka, VOA News, September 26, 2019).


YAOUNDE - New violence has flared in Cameroon as preparations intensify for a national dialogue called by President Paul Biya to end the conflict that has killed at least 2,000 people in the country’s English-speaking regions.  Scores of people have been killed in recent days and electricity has been cut, mostly in English-speaking towns, when attackers set fire to power distribution equipment. The military has been deployed to replace teachers who are, once again, escaped to safer places.

Forty-five-year-old Godfred Metuge heeded the call of the Cameroon government to return and teach in the English-speaking southwestern town of Mamfe when the school year in the central African nation began September 2. Metuge has again fled for his life to Cameroon’s capital, Yaounde.

"It is because of the insecurity there. I was traumatized," he said. "My children were traumatized and there are many people who had from the trauma, they went to serious depressions and from serious depressions, some even passed on." (By Moki Edwin Kindzeka, VOA News, September 24, 2019)



  1. Pray for an end to the conflict causing violence, bloodshed, and death in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon.
  2. Pray for comfort and healing for the loved ones of the more than 2000 persons who have killed in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.
  1. Pray for healing for the thousands of people traumatized and depressed because of the conflict in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.
  2. Pray for wisdom for President Paul Biya and the Cameroon leaders as they proceed with a national dialogue on the conflict in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.
  3. Pray that Christians will play a vital role in re-establishing peace and reconciliation in Cameroon.


Burkina Faso

As tens of thousands in northern Burkina Faso are being displaced each month because of extremist violence and insecurity in the region, a source told Aid to the Church in Need that nearly 2,000 people fled from their homes in the villages of Hitté and Rounga in September. 

A local source who spoke with the Catholic charity and requested anonymity detailed what happened in Hitté. “At the beginning of September, 16 men arrived in the village, intercepting the villagers who were returning from the fields,” the local source was quoted as saying. “Some of the men forced the people to enter the church where they threatened the Christians and ordered them to leave their homes in the next three days, while others set fire to whatever they found in their path.”

Following the ultimatum given in Hitté, the militants are said to have traveled to Rounga, where villagers there faced a similar type of evacuation ultimatum. 

“Almost 2,000 people have fled these two villages alone,” the source estimated, adding that the displaced families have found shelter in another village. (Samuel Smith, CP Reporter, September 21, 2019).



  1. Pray that the Burkina Faso government would take strong action to protect the Christians in northern Burkina Faso.
  2. Pray that the militants forcing Christians to relocate in Northern Burkina Faso would be brought to justice.
  3. Pray that the almost 2000 persons who fled the villages of Hitté and Rounga would find homes and places to resettle.
  4. Pray that God would protect and strengthen the Church in northern Burkina Faso.


The office of the president through the doctorate of Ethics and Integrity (DEI) is spearheading a policy to regulate the affairs of religious and faith-based organizations in Uganda.  Some of the mainstream denominations under their umbrella of Inter-religious council of Uganda (IRCU) have welcomed the move as timely.(https://observer.ug/lifestyle/53046-proposed-legislation-to-regulate-worship-divides-religious-leaders.html)

The leadership of born-again Christian want this proposed legislation and policy be scrapped for infringing on their right to worship. The legislation gives the Government the powers to monitor and revoke license if it is deemed to contravene the doctrinal and faith statements, and the established legal framework. Many critics of this legislation believe that the government can still discipline errant faith leaders through the existing penal code, and through self-regulation mechanisms existing within the church leadership structures.


Father Lokodo who is Catholic Father and also a Cabinet Minister in Charge of Integrity and ethics in the Uganda Government has been accused of seeking to frustrate the born-again Pentecostal pastors. The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, recently met with over 50,000 Pentecostal pastors and evangelists from all the districts of Uganda at Lugogo Cricket stadium and promised to call a meeting of prayer and discussion with all parties to seek Gods guidance on the matter. (Peter Kegode, IPMI Facilitator, September 25, 2019).


  1. Thank God for the revival movement that has seen many people seek the LORD and receiving salvation.
  2. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading of leadership in the church and political spaces on how to manage revival and growth of the church of Christ in Uganda.
  3. Pray that spiritual fraudsters and false prophets will be exposed by the spirit of GOD and that they will not bring confusion and condemnation to the body of Christ.
  4. Pray against the schemes and strategies of Satan to attack the Bible-preaching church in
  5. Pray for the fire of rival to touch every corner of Uganda.
  6. Pray for Unity in the Church of Jesus Christ in Uganda.

Category 3

Prayer for Movement Day Global Cities, the Persecuted Church and Other Critical Concerns of Asia

Scripture   -   Psalms 7: 1 – 2; 6 - 10                        


Movement Day Expressions

  1. Please pray for the Movement Day Expressions team , Jurie Kriel, Jim Liske, and Naomi Edwards as they work to on the framework and building blocks for Movement Day Global Cities
  2. Please pray for Rev. Jurie Kriel as he transitions into the role of Director of Movement Day Expressions  Pray hat God gifts him fresh vision, insight and creativity as he works to accelerate expressions of Movement Day
  3. Please pray for the PAN African gathering taking place later this month in Uganda.
  4. Pray for our Global Hub Leaders, as they cultivate relationships within their respective regions to advance unity within the body of Christ
  5. Pray that God would strengthen the Movement Day expressions team as we plan for Movement Day Global Cities 2020.
  6. Pray for the Movement Day expressions team as we have strategic conversations to build out the framework for Movement Day Global Cities 2020.

The Global Persecution of Christians

Over 215 million believers are persecuted with intimidation, prison, and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ across the world, Open Doors USA says in a report, listing the top 10 persecutors of Christians.

The report, released this week, notes that hostility against Christians is particularly intense in some areas "due to the focused efforts of either one person or a larger system bent on smashing or squeezing out Christians in the region."  Half of the top 10 human rights offenders toward Christians are Islamist terror groups, including the Islamic State terror group, also known as IS, ISIS, ISIL or Daesh. The brutal and targeted attacks from ISIS have driven many Christians to flee countries like Iraq, where Christianity has had a presence for nearly 2,000 years, the report says. "Ten years ago, there were nearly 1 million Christians living in Iraq, with a large majority of the population living in Mosul. Today, ISIS has been driven out of Iraq and Syria for the most part, but now they are spreading to Southeast Asia. Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi is the current leader of ISIS in western Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan," it notes.  While Islamic State was listed as No. 1, the list is not comprehensive or in particular order, the ministry notes.

The second persecutor of Christians listed is the al-Qaeda terror group, which has not been in news much but "has continued to fight in countries throughout the Middle East, often marking Christian communities as specific targets."  The report mentions particularly Yemen, where Christian converts from Islam are particularly at risk as they are already treated as outcasts by their own communities. "As Al-Qaeda takes advantage of distracted governments, Christians in their path experience intense persecution. Ayman al-Zawahiri is the current leader of Al-Qaeda."

The far-right Hindu nationalist movement" seeks to wipe out any religious expression, including Christianity, that falls outside of the Hindu faith, the report says. It mentions the Hindu nationalist association Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, which "has created a culture war and made it very dangerous and difficult for many Christians living in the region who are often forced out of villages, beaten and arrested for believing in Jesus." The governing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party in India is seen as the political wing of the RSS.

Fifth on the list is the al-Shabaab terror group, which is "in many ways the Eastern African version of al-Qaeda." "Al-Shabaab has terrorized the country of Somalia for the past decade and is recently focusing its attacks on the neighboring country of Kenya. Another top persecutor is the Boko Haram terror group in Nigeria, "whose belief is that any sort of Western influence is heresy, especially Christianity." "Boko Haram has conducted raids, bombings and assassinations against any target it deems Western, especially churches and schools. They have taken out contracts on influential Christian leaders and are also at war with the Nigerian government," says the ministry.

Next on the list are Muslim Fulani herdsmen in northeastern Nigeria, who have been accused of aligning with Boko Haram.

The 2017 Global Terrorism Index described the herdsmen, who attack Christians regularly in southern Adamawa, as terrorists in 2014. According to the index, the Fulani are responsible for as many as 60,000 deaths since 2001. Nigerian Christian leaders warned that if the current rate of massacres continues, with hundreds of believers being killed each month, Africa's most-populous nation is on the brink of decimating its Christian population by 2043.

Open Doors further identified as a top persecutor radical Islam, which continues to spread, "aiming to bring many parts of the world under Sharia Law." "The movement, which often results in Islamic militancy and persecution of Christians," is expanding in Asia, including the Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and in African countries like Egypt, Nigeria and Somalia. (Source: Christian Post - June 2018)


  1. For the over 215 million Christians worldwide suffering persecution with intimidation, prison, and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ across the world to experience the blessings of the Kingdom promised by Christ to those who suffer persecution for righteousness;   
  1. For the millions of persecuted Christians around the world, who are facing economic hardship and other major difficulties threatening their survival. Pray for God’s strength, covering and protection for all these believers. 
  2. For the conversion of key leaders of groups who hate and persecute Christians around the world.


8 Christians arrested in Hindu mob's brutal crackdown on house churches: report


A massive crackdown on house churches by radical Hindu groups has led to the jailing of at least eight Christians on charges of forced conversion in the Lakhimpur Khere district of Uttar Pradesha fter, according to the persecution advocacy group International Christian Concern.

Since 2014 when the Hindu nationalist BJP rose to power in India, there has been a drastic rise in Hindu extremist persecution against Christians and other religious minorities. According to the online resource Map violence, there have been over 1,400 incidents of persecution against Christians in India since 2014.  Hindu mobs often resort to violence and accuse Christian leaders of forced conversion, an act that is considered a crime in seven Indian states. 

Although Uttar Pradesh is not one of those states, Hindus instead accuse religious minorities of violating the nation’s blasphemy laws. 

 (Source: https://www.christianpost.com/world/8-christians-arrested-hindu-mob-crackdown-house-churches.html).


  1. For the speedy release of the eight arrested Christians and for the house churches Uttar Pradesh facing persecution from Hindu radicals.  
  2. For the improvement in religious freedom conditions in India to facilitate the growth of church;
  3. For the continued growth of the church in India despite persecution.

North Korea

Excerpts from:

North Korean defector says cousin's entire family executed for sharing Gospel

The Christian Post         Samuel Smith, CP Reporter, July 17, 2019

North Korea continues to be the most hostile place in the world to be a Christian.  The communist nation has for the last 18 years ranked as the worst country in the world when it comes to Christian persecution on Open Doors USA’s World Watch List. Thousands upon thousands of North Koreans are imprisoned in these camps either for being Christian, speaking out against the regime, or trying to defect from the country. According to Open Doors, anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000 Christians are suffering in labor camps in that country. 

In 2016, a report by the U.K.-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide revealed the gruesome methods the communist government in North Korea has used to torture and kill Christians. "Documented incidents against Christians include being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, herded off bridges and trampled underfoot. A policy of guilt by association

Despite thousands being imprisoned and tortured for their faith, Christian activities are still happening inside prison camps. Regardless of the situation, North Koreans are still worshiping.  (Source: https://www.christianpost.com/news/north-korean-defector-cousins-entire-family-executed-sharing-gospel.html?fbclid=IwAR1fP5BERg8TBPwONxcmc3qSh-YkUDbOJWqM6yuOsAJ44UqdBNCFdNUnDCk)


  1. For the Lord to respond to the desperate cries of the persecuted Church in North Korea, including the approximately 50,000 fellow believers serving long, harsh prisons terms in concentration camps.
  2. For the safety and protection of believers in North Korea who continue to risk their lives to share the Gospel with others.
  3. For the continued growth of the church in North Korea and the spread of the Christian influence  despite increased persecution


Chinese Christians memorize Bible in prison: Gov't 'can’t take what’s hidden in your heart'

Leah MarieAnn Klett, Christian Post Reporter    June 11, 2019

“Chinese Christians imprisoned for their faith are memorizing Scripture passages smuggled to them on small pieces of paper because prison guards “can’t take what’s hidden in your heart,” one former prisoner revealed.”  

“China has seen explosive growth in the number of believers over the last several decades. Estimates have even suggested that China is on track to have the largest Christian population in the world by 2030.”

“About 30 million Christians in China are estimated to attend state-sanctioned churches while many others attend illegal underground house churches that are not registered with the government.”

“In efforts to stunt the rapid growth of Christianity, authorities throughout China have shuttered a number of prominent house churches and arrested Christians for worshiping without the approval of the government.”


  1. Praise God for the resilience of Chinese Christians that are persecuted and imprisoned for their faith in Christ.
  2. Pray against the various efforts of the Chinese Government to restrict the growth of house churches across China, including demolition of church buildings, removal of crosses and banning free access to Bibles. 
  3. For the continued growth of the church across China despite harsh persecution to facilitate the expansion of Christianity across Asia.


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